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Day 13: Taha’a (Tada!)
July 7th, Sunday 2019, Day 13, Taha’a
I arose early because of a continuous clunking above our cabin. We’re right below the deck but when I investigated I found, not an anchor, but the HVAC. Remains a mystery. The delightful outcome was a great view of the sunrise over the islands of Taha’a. Sun obscured by clouds, which was the forecast for today.
We went to shore by Tender (a very large lifeboat which is lowered by hydraulic Davies— film later. It’s soo interesting.). On shore, open-air transports were waiting for the land tours and a catamaran was waiting for us! We were going to sail and snorkel. Once on board, our skipper announced that we would snorkel first because the skies were growing dark and sunlight really helps with the view.
John and I were busy checking out every bit of rigging, coiling lines and even giving advice. While the skipper was going to abandon his original destination for something closer, John pointed to the sky and indicated an opening that might be enough for us to continue on to “the good spot.” The good spot, however, was nowhere near as good as yesterday’s awesome, 3-dive experience. Here, we all jumped into fairly deep water with a few lumps of coral and just a few fish… Ho hum. We swam around, dove deep, and did our best, but finally, it was back to the boat for the sailing part of the show.
The skipper and mate hoisted the mail, then unfurled the self-furling jib, but never turned off the engine. We floated around for a while in very light winds. The Tahitian hostess on board taught us girls how to dance (figure 8, Hawaiian, 4-step box, and figure 8 again— film later. Not as good as the hydraulics!)
We had a very lovely time and made it back to the dock in time for the rain to really start coming down! Once were good and soaked, the Tender came, and whisked us back to the Paul Gaugin, where we quick-showered and changed, grabbed more suits (forgot towels and fins) and headed for the party on the private island.
We arrived to sunshine, food, drinks served from coconuts—really! And an island paradise. Ok, this is what I think of when I think of the tropics… shallow, clear water, coconut trees everywhere, a few vendors, friends on every lounge chair, warmth and laughter.
Six of us have become very good friends and all dined together. It was a spectacularly lovely day. Good night!