Patti Brugman is a thoughtful traveler who seeks out experiences that her armchair readers would like to share. Patti and her husband, John, like adventure and golf. Golf takes them to Scotland almost every year and to gorgeous courses that are off the tourist track. If you’re a golfer, you’ll be able to create your own dream trip from the detailed descriptions and maps that Patti provides. Additionally, Patti and John have travelled to Egypt, Antarctica, France, Great Britain, and domestic destinations. Please join in travel fun through Patti’s stories and photos.
You’ll read about watching lost luggage, armed with an air tag, travel all over Edinburgh before finally trundling down the country road of the farmhouse where she was staying. Or, another bag that took two days to arrive in Cairo. You’ll read about tasting haggis and see Patti’s expressive reaction to other less palatable concoctions. And you’ll marvel at the how close up views of penguins in Antarctica and how high the snow-covered trails took them. In Egypt, you’ll learn about the secret language of Ancient Egyptian and why structures that are more than 5,000 old are still strong and colorful.
Patti’s world is a glorious and colorful place, full of opportunities. Come travel with her and immerse yourself in language, adventure, food, and music. Her blogs make it easy to either delve deep into specific experiences or brush through as many as you can in search of one that suits your travel taste.